Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does Juniper Genomics do?
  • How does Juniper’s technology work?
  • How is your technology different from existing technologies for embryo screening?
  • Where can I get Juniper’s test?
  • Does the testing harm the embryo?
  • The biopsy comes from the outside of the embryo - how do you know it’s an accurate test for the genetics of the part that becomes the fetus?
  • What are the benefits of Juniper’s test?
  • You’re talking about success rates per embryo transfer. What about success rates per cycle?
  • Does Juniper’s testing look at polygenic risk scores or “genetic risk scores”?
  • Is Juniper’s test ethical?
  • But is it eugenics?
  • Is it “liberal eugenics”?
  • Are there ethical concerns with your approach?
  • Who owns the data? Will you sell it? How do you keep it safe?
  • What about “mosaicism”?