
The Juniper team. Leading with passion, empathy and integrity.

The Juniper Story

A vision in high definition.

Every IVF journey is filled with crucial decisions, each moment filled with hope for a healthy baby. One pivotal decision stands out: choosing which embryo to transfer for pregnancy. In this moment, the entire genome of each embryo is set, and every genetically determinable aspect of its future is knowable.

Unfortunately, IVF patients today are getting only a tiny fraction of that genetic information. Worse, they often lack crucial data about the genetics that influence whether they will have a successful pregnancy or suffer a loss.

That’s why Juniper Genomics was created. We are the only company using whole genome and transcriptome data to identify viable embryos and avoid unsuccessful transfers. We provide IVF patients with the most comprehensive data on the genetics of their embryos, empowering them with knowledge during these critical moments to help ensure a successful IVF journey.

Founding team

  • Jeremy Grushcow
    Jeremy Grushcow | PhD, JD
    CEO + Acting CSO
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  • Carolyn Quinlan
    Carolyn Quinlan | MSc
    VP Bioethics + Operations
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  • Lee Shulman
    Lee Shulman | MD, ObGyn, Clin Gen
    Medical director
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Advisory Board

  • Shivani Nazareth
    Shivani Nazareth | MS, CGC (Chair)
    Genetic Counseling, Leadership, CX
    VP Digital Products, Myriad; Head of Clinical and Business Development at Clear Genetics (YC W17, acquired by Invitae), Board Member, National Society of Genetic Counselors
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  • Robert Green
    Robert Green | MD, MPH
    Clinical Genetics, Health Econ
    Professor of Medicine (Genetics) at Harvard Med; Director, G2P Research Program at Brigham and Women’s & the Broad; co-founder, Genome Medical
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  • Meera Shah
    Meera Shah | MD, REI
    IVF Key Opinion Leader
    Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Specialist at Nova IVF, Mountain View
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  • James Goldberg
    James Goldberg | MD, MFM, Clin Gen
    Genetics Product Development/Sales
    Founding fellow of the American College of Medical Genetics; Prev: CMO, Myriad Women’s Health; CMO Counsyl; Director of the Reproductive Genetics Unit at UCSF
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  • Sophie Petropoulos
    Sophie Petropoulos | PhD
    GAPP Academic Project Leader
    Tier 2 CRC in Functional Genomics of Reproduction and Development, Assoc. Prof. University of Montreal, Karolinska Institute, Co-Director of The Research Center in Reproduction and Fertility in Quebec
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  • Emily Rapp Black
    Emily Rapp Black | MA, MFA
    Author & Advocate
    Professor, UC-Riverside; Guggenheim Fellow; Author at Random House and Notting Hill Editions/New York Review of Books
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  • Eric Venner
    Eric Venner | PhD
    Clinical Genomics + Variant Classification
    Asst. Prof., Department of Molecular and Human Genetics; Director of Clinical Informatics for the Human Genome Sequencing Center’s Clinical Laboratory, Baylor College of Medicine
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The future of fertility.

Juniper Genomics is creating a new future for IVF patients.

A future where aspiring parents, confident in the insights gleaned from rigorous science, are empowered with the clarity to make informed decisions.

A future where deep, multi-omic analysis integrated with comprehensive medical data, optimizes the chance for a successful pregnancy, faster.

A future where the emotional and financial strain of IVF is significantly decreased as payers extend their coverage and clinics expand their capacities – ensuring that infertility care becomes accessible to everyone.

This is the future of fertility.

At Juniper Genomics, our unstoppable team is creating the future today.

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